Saturday, December 30, 2006

007...more exciting than the movies!

by Florence Ondré

007 is near.

Can you hear the James Bond music playing in the background?

The notes have the air of mystery and anticipation of a light, engaging experience which comes always to a positive end where romance meets romance, chase scenes are spectacular, scenery is eye popping, everyone looks fantastic, good triumphs and the endings always bring on million mega watt smiles .

You hear the intro and you know the ride will be exciting and fun and the outcomes will be positive.

Remember those movies of daring, romance and joi de vivre? You never knew how the outcomes of life’s adventures would look up there on the silver screen and yet you knew they would be positive in ways you mightn’t imagine.

I’ve been saying for years, let the outcomes be better than I can imagine and my friend, Cindy, a writer of inspirational aphorisms, adds…better than the best I can imagine!

I say let’s look for those Double 07 threads and results in our own lives in the new year.

I feel the anticipation of a year upon us which has all those components of a sense of surety and strength which comes from knowing you are centered and acting for the Highest Good of your self and all; partnering with that energy, taking direction from those you trust and from that still sure voice within you; keeping your sensitivity and compassion alive as your story unfolds; being patient yet continuing to believe in and affirm, nay demand, that the outcome of each situation be better than the best you can imagine and for the Highest Good of all.

Then watch how it comes about out of seemingly secret places and what has been around you longer than you were aware.

Remember too, even 007 got side swiped a few times before he triumphed and when he thought he was done for, the helicopters arrived out of the blue and dropped him a rope or he noticed a pin in blades of grass or a pile of dust which got him out of manacles…surprises, surprises!

You, like our suave James, have resources which come to you at just the right time even if you don’t see them now. They will be your own versions of the car that spills ink out the back to foil the chase, the pen which doubles as neutralizer spray, camera, computer and fax, or the watch which tell more than time with its hidden mechanisms of lock pick, communicator and recorder.

Get ready folks. It’s going to be an exciting year filled with positive 007 outcomes.

Draw yourself up. Tilt your head to that rakish Bond angle. Sense your inner and outer surroundings. Feel the confidence and entitlement to the best of the best.

Count down is upon us. The adventure begins.

Film is about to roll and you are the star.

Do you hear the music?

Friday, December 29, 2006

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Quote For The Day

"The only gift is a portion of thyself."
Ralph Waldo Emerson, writer and philosopher (1803-1882)

Friday, December 22, 2006

Giving and Receiving

by Florence Ondré

I'm grateful for a time when I didn't feel much gratitude at all.
That may sound odd and yet it's true.

Looking back to when times were particularly challenging; seeming like the bottomless pit of despair swallowed me whole, I can see not only how difficult it was to put one foot in front of the other but how the mere basic of breathing was an act of courage.

What I also see is where humility and acceptance of help from others was a large part of the lesson of beingfor me to work through.

In years of days of being ill with Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome; so flat-out exhausted from even a whispered thought of putting foot to floor to balance bed encompassment; where holidays were a mere memory of musings from another world beyond aching joints and muscles, swollen glands, constant low grade fevers and inability to speak or act without wishing I had enough energy to scream at the injustice of the ravaging disease, one special day stands out.

When my resources of body, mind, spirit and finances were at lowest ebb; with the holiday a mere day away and no route seen wherein I could have anything for my kids, there came a knock at my door.

Taking my then usual God-knows-how-long to get out of bed, shuffle down the hall and open it, I found no one in sight of the portal. Neither left nor right glances showed anything but a quiet street; deserted of traffic, foot or vehicle.

However, when I tried to open my door for a better look-see, it was stopped mid way by a big box.

I looked into it and there, appearing like magic; staring up at me, was a big turkey, complete with all the fixings for a holiday meal!


Because of the kindess of strangers anonymously acting on their hearts' energy, there would be a holiday for my kids and I that year where there would otherwise have been none.

It is miracle I have never forgotten and still treasure in my heart and mind each year.

Checking in with my boys, now grown with families of their own, we discuss that gift giving which enriched our lives and we all agree what a God-send it was.

We never found out who did that incredibly good deed, yet the threads of that experience are woven in the tapestry of our hearts and memories. We also can still feel the warmth of that unconditional open-heartedness and are grateful there was the kindness of strangers who saw and acted on our behalf; who gave us the sustenance, happiness and gratitude in the holidays.

To those dear ones wherever you are, we sing thank you.

Because of you, we had light in the darkness and to this day, remember the gift which keeps on giving. We find our own ways to follow your example and pay it forward, backwards and sideways where we can. We are grateful to be the ripples from your pebble in our pond and hope what small help we can be in the world will be a bridge for others out of their dark moments into lighter days.

We know there is light not only at the end of the sometimes is in lanterns of generosity along the way.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Quote For The Day

"My aim is to agitate and disturb people. I'm not selling bread, I'm selling yeast." Miguel de Unamuno, writer and philosopher (1864-1936)

Beef Boor-gignon...or size isn't all that matters!

by Florence Ondré

The question of the day is why do men driving big vehicles on the road find it necessary to make as much noise as possible, grab as much asphalt as available,rage in rudeness and, all in all, make honking hogs out of themselves in every possible way?

To what purpose is the pushing and shoving of moving metal and rubber to the injury and insult of everyone else around?

It's one thing to have to put up with this innapropriate and unsafe behavior on the road. Too many days and nights have seen me arrive home in a sweat or lather in fear or outrage after enduring the scare tactics and thoughtlessness of some neanderthal at the helm of an SUV, Hummer or 18 wheeler, sitting for blocks - and sometimes miles - on the ass end of my little Acura. Me doing the speed limit while they wanted to bump me up to 80mph or shove me off the road altogether...this with their high beams on of course.

Don't you guys get it? That does nothing but slow us speedbumps in your life further down to almost zero. Hey, schmuck! You'll never accomplish your move-your-ass-get-out-of-my-way goals with those tactics. We can't see. You've shoved your high beams up our eyeballs through our rear... view mirror!

Even that doesn't deter their self-centeredness-at-all-costs, bad-boy behavior. You slow down to a crawl or try to move along a bit faster and it still isn't enough for these accidents-looking-for-a-place-to-happen. They plow to the left or right and cut the rest of the three lanes of drivers off without so much as a hint of a signal or cut an illegal swath left around you; going into oncoming traffic while you sit in the left lane doing 5 to 10 miles over the speed limit.
And onward they stream without a cop in sight to help stem the continual warm-up rehearsal of the me-me-me road rage song.

I once got a ticket for speeding up to avoid getting my car rammed from behind. Me! Not the truck pushing me past the 40 mph allowed. I got the speeding ticket while that bozo screamed on at better than 60. I can still feel the WTF look on my face.

This holiday season, I had to call the UPS company to ask them to curb their employee, the driver on our neighborhood route. The man is a big, able bodied guy who is not happy in his work. Holiday ho ho ho is out of the question as he lobs packages onto the front porch from 12 paces down the walkway. One day, he's hurling them to crash to the concrete and the next, he piles them up at the edge of our one-step front porch to block our front door from any thought of exit.
He races that brown truck at break neck speed, whipping it around in u turns and circles without looking to see if child or pet might be flattened under his wheels. He wants each day to be over with before it begins and snaps nastily if he sees you. "Get that dog back buddy!" he yelled one day at my mild-mannered mate and our aging, sleepy eyed golden retriever who were both behind closed-tight, glass, storm door.
"I don't remember ordering a side of attitude with that gift package," I say, as I reach for the phone to finally put in the complaint which we'd been holding off doing for weeks because we thought the guy would then spit on our boxes or do terrible things to them in the truck, before delivering crumpled messes to the vermin at this address who ratted him out.
Yeah, well, intimidation and beligerance run amok works only so far.
Wrath only plays so long in this theatre and I'll take my chances giving honest reviews. "UPS yours, fella!"
Now, the guy never darkens our doorstep. He still drives...slower on our block...and still races the minute he hits the corner but he does not interact with humans anymore. He has been assigned a helper; a kid who takes the extra three steps and places the packages neatly on our porch, safely in the corner. I'm left thinking maybe asking for competent, safe courteous service turned into a many-fold blessing. We get appropriate delivery service, the over-steamed driver who lacked people skills gets help he needed and the kid gets a job.
I wish all road rage petered out into positives.

And just when I thought things had calmed down, today, I was shaken out of my bed by the rumbling of big wheels, driving at the speed of light down my block. The shifting of my house on its foundations and the rattle of the china and glass walking out of their cabinets knocked me out of the covers. Literally my whole house shook!

And there was another added attraction to the Big Top of Tumult. Deep throated air horns pierced the quiet, early morn where only the soughing of wind off the ocean and an occasional cry of a seagull had previously slipped into my near-dawn consciousness.
Neath still closed eyes, I thought, "Boy, the school bus sure is in a hurry, early!"

Intermittent steamship-like honking went on for over an hour. I couldn't completely pull myself out of the soup of sleep past my planning to run out in nightclothes and slippers; wanting to yank that overgrown bully boy out of his cab by the scruff of his no neck and remind him of his manners!

"Be quiet. People are sleeping here! Don't come into our neighborhood unless you can behave yourself. And when you can remember to think of others besides your self, drive down our streets slowly and carefully or don't drive here at all!" runs the admonishments in my befogged mind.

Finally, I drag myself out of semi consciousness to blunder down the stairs to look out the windows; searching for the perpetrator of stolen-sleep and breaking-and- entering-without-leaving-the-cab-of-your-semi.

All that remains at the crime scene, after the assault, is two glasses and a teacup on the floor near the china cabinet's open door, a couple of books off their shelves, and the sounds of the silence I wished had encompassed the world for another hour or two. Here the whisper of wind in the pines; there a seagull's cry... and nothing else but the gurgling of water in the heating system left...and me, wide awake, wanting just a little bit more peace in the morning before having to armor up to drive to the grocery store.

It's quiet on my street now as I write this but I know there's a "King of the Heap," revving his gas guzzling, world polluting, excess out there assaulting someone on the road. Some jerk in a perrenial bad mood; middle finger and curses at the ready to flail at you if you didn'tget your memo to stay out of his way.

I just didn't think they'd be able to do drive their way into our homes!

How do you speak up from there?

On the highways, you've got the option of beeping your own horn, waving your hands, giving the finger, yelling, "Slow down! Get off my bumper...expletive deleted!" or sporting a bumper sticker, lettering some courtesy, sarcasm or witticism which points out the error of the bully's ways.

I've even considered one for my car that has a drawing of a honking big SUV which succinctly says, "Sorry about your small penis, fella."

This morning, I'm thinking of putting it on the front of my house!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Quote For The Day

""Words are chameleons, which reflect the color of their environment."
Learned Hand, jurist (1872-1961)

Day In Haiku

Not complaining here
Winter wonderlandlessness
But where's it hiding?

A Rose By Any Other Name...

by Florence Ondré

"Oh, honey, I heard you making sleepy noises last night. You sounded soooo cute!"

That was my body's gasping for life breath during the night of sleep; also known as the little death.

Isn't it humorous how love can change even the worst gargling sounds into coos; the most unimaginable ralings into adorable traits and the human body's hoots and toots into something to chuckle about?!

Whistles, eeks and squeaks and pit stop rests in between ee aws and lip quavering brrrs are anything but cute folks.

Let's be honest's snoring!
Plain and simple, not too attractive noise that rocks and rolls the house, shakes the bed and rattles your bones!

It's serious stuff. People can stop breathing. You can lose loved ones - from your sleeping quarters and your life. (Isn't there a box under the 'cause' heading you can check nowadays when filing for divorce that says, "Irreconcilable Snoring?")

Can you remember a time when you thought, "Oh, it's not me. It's only the other person who makes those silly sounds?" And now, here you find yourself facing the stone cold, hard truth....It's you!!!!!!!
You've become the in-residence noisemaker.

How could that have happened? You've been dainty all your life and now you are in the buzz saw category without so much as a by-your-leave from the Gods!

Here's what you've come to in life:

The only saving grace is that you have someone who loves you who thinks you're making 'sleepy noises'...and you're cute.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Quote For The Day

"Your neighbor's vision is as true for him as your own vision is true for you."
Miguel de Unamuno, writer and philosopher (1864-1936)

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Quote For The Day

"If you have the same ideas as everybody else but have them one week earlier than everyone else then you will be hailed as a visionary. But if you have them five years earlier you will be named a lunatic."
Barry Jones, politician, author (1932- )

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Quote For The Day

“The minute I heard my first love story I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was. Lovers don't finally meet somewhere. They're in each other all along.”
Jalal ad-Din Rumi (Persian Poet and Mystic, 1207-1273)

Monday, December 11, 2006

Hu's On First....

Live And In Person For A Limited Run...

Florence Ondré

There is a stark beauty to winter. Leaves all gone and trees go into their second act ballet, leaning into winds, gracefully bending to and fro, arms outlined like sculptured, dark shapes shifting in the flame of stark sunsets. Nature's panoramic play of light and dark against vivacious hues is made denser by the crispness in the air.
I love winter trees with their arms uplifted to show us what is hidden for most of the year by their Spring blossoms, Summer greenery and Fall freckles of color. Winter is where even the white of snowfall defines rather than masks the lovely limbs in statuesque poses of play and peace. At no other time during the year do these stately beings have this opportunity to display unfettered, their artistic curves and lines. Even the sun conspires to take part in their theatre by backlighting to illumine to best advantage winter's show of shows.
This reality show is where we may view the pure, unclad form of these givers of life, shelter and shade without commercials.
Bundle up. No tickets needed. Come to the cabaret!

Quote For The Day

"Kindness is in our power, even when fondness is not."
Samuel Johnson,lexicographer (1709-1784)

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Quote For The Day

"Humor may be defined as the kindly contemplation of the incongruities of life, and the artistic expression thereof."
Stephen Leacock, economist and humorist (1869-1944)

Latest Hot News On The Wire!

Flatulence Forces Plane to Land
By Associated Press

December 6, 2006, 7:46 AM EST

NASHVILLE, Tenn. -- An American Airlines flight was forced to make an emergency landing Monday morning after a passenger lit a match to disguise the scent of flatulence, authorities said.

The Dallas-bound flight was diverted to Nashville after several passengers reported smelling burning sulfur from the matches, said Lynne Lowrance, spokeswoman for the Nashville International Airport Authority. All 99 passengers and five crew members were taken off and screened while the plane was searched and luggage was screened.

The FBI questioned a passenger who admitted she struck the matches in an attempt to conceal a "body odor," Lowrance said. She had an unspecified medical condition, authorities said.

"It's humorous in a way but you feel sorry for the individual, as well," she said. "It's unusual that someone would go to those measures to cover it up."

The flight took off again, but the woman was not allowed back on the plane. The woman, who was not identified, was not charged in the incident.

Copyright 2006 Newsday Inc.