Monday, October 30, 2006

Day In Haiku

Wild weather whipping
Pounding houses like 3 pigs
No control; just pray.

Quote For The Day

"Patience is also a form of action."
Auguste Rodin, sculptor (1840-1917)

The Gratitude Pool: HugSpread

In any language, hugs are a symbol of caring, humanity's good, an opportunity to touch and be touched in a world where these are suspect and sometimes dangerous.
I thank those who dared to stand out in the crowd of what we've become in our own lives: passersby.
These generous, risk taking souls remind us that, regardless of where we live in the world, what language we speak, what our beliefs, age, gender, race; we are connected. Our energy responds with delight each time we heed the human need for wholesome, good touch.
It's what we give our kids and then tell them not to accept from strangers. For safety's sake, we teach our kids discretion, discernment and self caring, which is a good thing. And it sticks with us for the rest of our lives; sometimes past the expiration date of childhood's years. Just watch as adult people walk by as if they didn't see this unusual person with the Free Hugs sign. Watch as they reconsider, go back, give a tentative half hug and journey on lighter and happier with kid smiles on former focused, serious faces. Watch how surprised they can be at how good they feel.
The joy is contagious. Feeling better for the human touch; given safely, freely with no restraints from the heart, sparks that connective, happy energy inside of each receiver till they become givers too. Watch some folks, big and small, really get into it with the abandon of the joy of the child alive and well and living inside each of us who breathe on this planet.
Watch the fun of it all turn to peace and a unity of spirit. It's a circle of light.
Not a bad exchange for a couple of moments spent taking a chance on hugs!
Think I'm going to go out and hug a tree today too. An exchange of living, breathing appreciative energy that feeds the soul of both giver and receiver. That's good energy too.
For free yet, already!

Free Hugs In Barcelona

Thanks Odolwa on youtube!

Friday, October 27, 2006

Quote For The Day

"The world is round and the place which may seem like the end may also be only the beginning."
George Baker (1877-1965)

Thursday, October 26, 2006

The Gratitude Pool

This day's gratitude is more for what didn't happen than what did. A day of peace. A number 5 day. Nothing great or horrible. Just a day where work went on, balanced by nice meals and rest. A couple of emails from friends and phone calls with family. Just warm energy in a day.
I'm grateful for a day of mmmmmmmmm.
It makes me think about how good it is to be plain ordinary and OK.

Free Hugs In Kiev

"Brighter Day" by Florence Ondré

“If I look for the brighter day, I may miss the rays of light which peek out around me in the seeming darkness of this moment. Where there is dark there is light. Therefore I may as well be still where I am and breathe what peace; what good there is here in perceived gloom. Who knows what lesson, blessing, brighter day is present in the now?”
Florence Ondré, writer, poet, singer song writer, photographer

I’ve come to realize that my challenge is to be content where I am; to remember that all things pass in the energy of change; to not miss anything that is happening right now.
I forget that because many experiences are chafing, uncomfortable or distasteful. Yet there is the Rumi saying, “If you are irritated by every rub, how will you be polished?”
Finding my brighter day each day is my inner work because I do know I’m a work of art in progress; that angel in the marble Michelangelo talked about. We all are.
Most of my life when there was pain (and there was plenty of it) I looked to a brighter day. I was told there would be one coming. There always was - even though the time in getting here varied in length, breadth and texture.
The practice of that looking forward widened a river of hope running through me.
Today, I want to fine tune that way of being in the world; always looking, with smile on my face, for some bright to appear - hopefully soon.
The last time I spoke of the latest travail which seemed to be lingering overlong on my timeline, a friend listened patiently and gently. After I ended the saga with my positive spin of, “But I know there’s a brighter day coming,” she asked me a quiet question, “What do you really want and when?”
I was a little taken by surprise and had too stop and think deeper than usual; let the question sink down through my head and heart to my gut.
Taking a deep breath as I felt the question journey within, on the exhale, I knew what my real goal was and that I wanted highest good for myself and others- and I wanted it ‘now!’ Not sooner or later - now - right now!
Old-tape feelings of ‘how selfish and demanding are you, you instant gratification child?’ popped in my brain. I acknowledged them, said,’thanks for visiting. you may leave now. Go into light to become more light’ and realized how silent and invisible these little snippets of preconditioning are; still hanging around, blocking my view.
Realization flooded me. If I had the components of seeking, seeing and summoning, the energy to create within me, why shouldn’t I just shift my wording and wanting into present tense?
I’d read about affirming your good in the now. Not simply saying the words, 'thanks for my highest good now,' but really feeling my good evolving as I think of it.
It stood to reason that, if 'our words are our wands,’ ‘what we conceive, we can achieve,’ and ‘I can’t recognize a stranger,’ then the bright day is already here manifesting.
The only matter yet to consider is when I sense it.
Rumi also said, “When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you; a joy.”
The form is formed now and it is me who is catching up to it.
It is said that in thinking what you want, putting your desire out into the Universe in partnership, trusting that all is well and better than you can imagine at any given moment, manifestation time of our highest good is getting shorter every day.
It’s not a matter of it 'coming.'
My brighter day is here in the now. As soon as I can recognize it.

As Victor Hugo wrote, “Be like the bird, who halting in his flight / On limb too slight, / Feels it give way beneath him, yet sings / Knowing he has wings.”
...and so it is.

Two Questions: Do you have a cat? Are your water bills too high?

Day In Haiku: MIA Days

Another day gone
How can that happen so fast?
Magically so.

Quote For The Day

"Learning is weightless, a treasure you can always carry easily."
Chinese Proverb

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

ANGELFOOD: Curried Creme of Pumpkin Soup

My good friend, Owen, is a great cook who loves good food as much as I do. When he heard I was starting a section on my blog called ANGELFOOD, where I want to share recipes, delicious dishes and favorite restaurants, this was his gift of Autumn ambrosia to all of us. Way to start off the ANGELFOOD on eflorence. Dig in everyone!
Thanks and Yum, Owen!

Curried Creme of Pumpkin Soup
Recipe: Owen S. Lager

1- Qt. Chicken Soup or stock (homemade is always best,
but any will do).
½- cup additional broth, reserved
1- Can pumpkin (not the pumpkin pie mixture)
2- Onions, chopped
2 (or more) Carrots, peeled, chopped fine
1- TBS Curry powder
1- tsp Ginger powder
½ cup milk or cream
2 – 3 TBS Honey (or to taste)*
salt and black pepper to taste**
OPTION: add regular or sweet potato to help thicken (pureed)

1. Sauté onions and carrots until they caramelize;
2. In the reserved chicken broth (soup, stock) puree onions
and carrots;
3. In a soup pot combine the chicken broth, pureed onion/carrot/broth mixture and pumpkin; bring to near boil;
4. Reduce heat and add curry and ginger;
5. Allow soup to simmer, stirring occasionally with whisk;
6. Add honey*;
7. Allow soup to simmer, stirring occasionally with whisk;
8. Reduce heat and finish with milk or cream; DO NOT BOIL.
9. salt and black pepper to taste**
10. Approve seasonings and adjust. (Suggestion: you may add other complimentary seasonings such as nutmeg, ground cardamom, allspice, etc.,in very small amounts)
11. Serve with warm crusty bread.

This hearty soup satisfies with its texture, taste and aroma, and is very quick and relatively inexpensive to make. It is chock-full of vitamin A and is a good source of fiber.

*In place of honey, SPLENDA or sugar can be used (or EQUAL™ after soup has finished cooking; cooking will destroy the proteins that make EQUAL™ sweet).

NOTE: Persons with a potassium restriction should avoid this soup, as the pumpkin and optional potato are loaded with potassium.

The Gratitude Pool: Ship of Friends

For those Angels who come into human form to stand by our side in our finest hours, help heal our hearts when hurt and laugh with us at human foibles and life's absurdities; these yacht's of yeomen strong on the living seas; these dorys of doers in the daily doldrums; these boats of brave souls bailing life's leaks; these luxury liners who lift us when we're down, I give thanks for you all who make up the beams of that most cherished of all cruise carriers...Friendship!

Quote For The Day

"In the sweetness of friendship let there be laughter, and sharing of pleasures. For in the dew of little things the heart finds its morning and is refreshed."
Kahlil Gibran

Monday, October 23, 2006

Judgment In Relationships

Florence Ondré
(excepted from "Less Thorns; More Roses" c. 1997)

Relationship where judgment rules
Launch to sea this ship of fools
One if by land, two if by sea
This view of you, that view of me
Few can truly stay the brave
To smoothly sail relations wave
For in forgetting honoring
Questions go a wandering
Left in their wake are misconcepts
Listing to what’s less than best
Once high thoughts slip down below
Yawing, pitching to and fro
In dazed doldrums dreams decry
Leaving both to wonder why
Ships of relations that seem sound
Easily do run aground.

Quote For The Day

“The beginning of love is to let those we love be perfectly themselves, and not to twist them to fit our own image. Otherwise we love only the reflection of ourselves we find in them.”
 Thomas Merton 1915-1968

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Quote For The Day

“Reality is merely an illusion, although a very persistent one”
 Albert Einstein 1879-1955

Day In Haiku: Wind

Winds of change blowing
Is it of worldly import
Or just passing gas

Which Way Did They Go?

Florence Ondré

What's Saturday doing here? Wasn't that yesterday?
I’m fairly sure that's when I woke up with weekend to-do lists in my head.
So, what's it doing on my plate today?
It's brain boggling how days can get lost like errant socks in the wash. They must be in the tumbler on spin cycle of my mind.
There's where I need a repair person.
Ratchet my grey matter up a notch or rev the world down. I don't know which would give more ability to keep things like days of the week in a more orderly fashion. Time's a blur right now. I can barely keep two thoughts together in a semblance of shape. There’s so much busyness; cacophony of chores calling, “Me first. Me first!”
Days become night before I get half of what I'd like to accomplish done. Dinner slips into an 8-ish slot and heartburn makes a frequent P.M. visit as I barely get the pots and pans washed and put away.
If I hit the couch, I'm a goner; waking up in some wee hour with drool on my cheek, a crimp in my neck and permanent eyeglass pinch marks on the bridge of my nose.
Now that's attractive!
Of course, by that time, I'm up. And getting to sleep is either a stumbling-up-the-stairs-fall-into-bed-like-a-stone affair; mumbling like my father used to when Mom caught him napping, “I lay down for a minute. Was just resting my eyes,” or my peepers are wide open like someone toothpick propped them. No rest for the weary. Good time to write.
Everything is still. Nothing to deter me from getting words together. No one to blame for interruptions in the creative flow.
..................And my mind's a blank.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Quote For The Day

“Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it.”
Mark Twain, author and humorist (1835-1910)

Morning Of The Macadamians

Florence Ondré

Last night when I went to bed, I didn’t know if we’d wake up to nuclear war or not wake up at all.
I shrugged and thought, as I performed my evening ablutions, “Well, if we’re facing a boatload of nuclear substances sailing into wackadoo North Korea, it really doesn’t matter if I shave my legs.”
I usually don’t listen to news at night (don’t want to have freakazoidmares) but last night the tube was on at 1 A.M. and I caught the drift of the ‘breaking story’ wherein a very stone faced reporter intoned the impending doom of a ship carrying possible nuclear stuff heading into North Korea. This, following that country’s July test-firing a barrage of missiles and performing a nuclear explosion on October 9th, 2006.
Ah, the stuff of dreams, eh?
I’d heard the news this week of the chief North Korean Walnut refusing to be part of peace talks; ranting threats to the Imperialists (they don’t call that, U.S., for nothing) like a bully in the international schoolyard, “If you put financial sanctions against us, we’re gonna blow you up…” (Notice there’s no thought that the radiation cloud blows right back onto your own people.)
There’s a tired variation on the old, ‘I’m taking my ball home if you don’t play my way.’ We’ve heard untold slants on that theme so often that we’re like weary elders sighing and saying, “You get a time out.” Then we go to bed thinking, ‘Hey, if you’re gonna be a brat, you’re gonna be one. Zap. Poof. There goes your allowance until you quit it.”
And bingo! I do wake up this morning. There still is a world and, lo and behold, President Peanut says, he’s sorry. He’ll talk nicely now. Did his honorable Mother China wash his mouth out with soap? Or was it venerable Father China taking away his spending money so he won’t go out and throw it away on weed or weapons of mass myopathy?
Geepers! If I had a nickel for every time a big bag of wind farts in public, I’d be able to fund safe housing, medical treatment, education and art for the entire world!
Which brings me to our own homegrown Main Macadamian, who I read in the headlines (which are more arselines, due to lack of cerebral portion of the anatomy engagement) announcing that he’s campaigning for ALL his minions of Cashew candidates; including the outed, perverted, pedophile Pecans, to get re-elected to office. (Yeah, that’s what we want. Years more of bad boy B.S.)
Are you as tired of this ignorance and arrogance posturing as leadership as I am?
The assorted salty snacks of in-flight meals are cha-cha-ing out of the can and the cracker factory doors are open wide.
I’m weary just thinking about how much energy it takes to be, or behold, an unsalted schmuck.

I’ll probably have to shave my legs now.
There might be a tomorrow.

Quote For The Day

"Laughter is inner jogging."
Norman Cousins, editor and author (1915-1990)

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Day In Haiku: A Little Night Music...

Music of the night
Wafting melodies to ear
Of cricket quartets

The Gratitude Pool: Creativity and Human Spirit

Florence Ondré

I'm so grateful for the creativity and warm spirit of people around our planet.
In a world which looks so out of control and violent, it's a challenge to see things otherwise.
The nightly news, broadcasting it's steady stream of 90 per cent tragedy and 10 per cent (I'm being generous here) positive, uplifting and good, can obscure a greater, less visible or widely reported, reality.
I believe that Anne Frank was accurate. On my most challenging days, in my heart (and there are those days where I have to dig deep), I too believe that all people are good in theirs.
The Free Hugs Campaign, which started with one man- Juan Mann to be specific- in Sydney, Australia. Standing solo in a public place, holding a cardboard sign which announced hugs were available for no fee; no limit, for anyone who wanted one, this lone person started a rash of good energy that spread faster than calamitous contagion around the world.
Now this kind of epidemic we can live with.
Who among us couldn't use a hug? Just a minute of a Mom-patting, ah-babying, yes-you-are-good, atta-boy, good job, keep on keeping on, good-to-see-you experience of human connection can make you smile, take the world less seriously and send you on your way a bit lighter and happier. Certainly makes my work day go more smoothly.
It's a gesture of loving energy that anyone can give or receive. Remember the last time you had a disagreement with someone. Didn't it feel good to make up and have a hug? Just look at dogs. They wag their whole bodies in happiness from receiving a hug.
Hugs for free? Given by a person you don't know? Wow. A little scary. Might take a moment to let go of distrust and avail yourself of a happy second where two strangers can share a moment like friends. Radical stuff. Chancey. Dicey.
Authorities in Australia had initial doubt about the legality of such a concept.
"Stop that folderol right now, you uniquers!"
The ministry of silly stuff should have been called. "Yup. It's giggle producing. Here's your permit."
It did take the populace banding together, inking 10,000 plus pro hugging signatures to get an official stamp of approval.
Good non violent speaking up and out people. Patience and persistance. Even hugs are a process.
Might have to take down those walls we've built up to insulate us from each other. Might have to experience life from a kid point of view.
I'm not saying go hug people in dark alleys. It's good to be self caring and discerning. We're talking mall, streets, public areas, daylight.
Take a look at the videos from the many countries where people emulated Juan Mann. Become aware of how you feel looking at all those joy filled people giving and receiving hugs.
I couldn't stop smiling as I got to share the good contagious energy of hugs in Moscow, Barcelona, Venezuela, Victoria B.C., Kiev, Portugal, Tel Aviv, Mexico, and America. I laughed watching the experiences of tentativeness turn into joy and unity.
It was contagious and I hadn't even left my chair.
I wanted to get up and go out with my own hand made Free Hugs sign.
Maybe that would be a good way to celebrate holidays, everydays. Talk about your joy to the world. For free yet, already!
With a little creativity and spirit, look what can travel around the globe; making people feel united, peacefilled, elated with natural happiness.
The simplicity of a human act...a hug.
Thanks Juan. Thanks all you good hearted people of all ages, sizes, nationalities, beliefs who dared to be the best human you can be; who dared to smile, to experience peace and a moment of gladness...those who dared to hug.
You inspire us.

Free Hugs In Venezuela

Interview With Juan Mann, Free Hugs Campaign

That John Adams, what a kidder...

I love a president with a healthy sense of humor; whose ego hasn't outstripped his reason.
(see quote below)

Quote For The Day

“The only maxim of a free government ought to be to trust no man living with power to endanger the public liberty.”
John Adams, 2nd US president (1735-1826)

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The Gratitude Pool

I'm grateful for the opportunity and responsibility to speak up in public forums. One of our most cherished freedoms; the ability to speak our minds clearly and be heard, is what keeps us all growing. And to find in that process, that going hand in hand, no matter whether we agree with one another or not, still keeps us together... if we allow each other honoring space on the journey.
In Light & Love,

Autumn Ambrosia


Florence Ondré

As I sit at my keyboard, the aromatic scent of apples; fresh picked off the orchard trees, wafting tantalizingly around me, I am reminded that not everything is nose to the grindstone. I can pause a moment and reflect on the day in the orchard with family, picnicking; overlooking the valley stretching below us like a Wyeth idyllic painting. The pause that refreshes. Work is always there and won’t begrudge me a few moments breathing in apples and their orchard memories.
Two really big bags of Mutsu, Cortland, Macintosh, Empire Red and Golden Delicious globes sit on my dining room table sighing the simplicity of goodness.
The world for a moment seems all right in the presence of the basics of an Autumn apple.
The great Mouli Grinder hunt is on. That old fashioned, hand cranked food mill which my grandmother and mother used to take red, ripe tomatoes; fresh from their gardens, to swirl, swirl, swirl the grinder handle and turn the sun kissed fruit into perfect pureé for pasta. The cooking was an all day process in this time honored tradition of making the best marinara on the planet.
It can also be used to make the most delicious apple sauce your taste buds ever dreamed of enjoying. Pears can be steamed and added to make pear/apple sauce…or peaches…or berries…a pinch of cinnamon…a dash of sugar…we’re talking a recipe for Fall Fruit Heaven.
I’ve tried them all and become famous in my family for this ambrosia.
That brings us to this year’s season. The apples and family are waiting, drooling for the sensational homemade sauce.
Now, if I could only remember where the Mouli Grinder is.
Or who still has them for sale…

Quote For The Day

"Remember, we all stumble, every one of us. That's why it's a comfort to go hand in hand."
Emily Kimbrough, author and broadcaster (1899-1989)

Day In Haiku: Hip, Hip, Who...

Two hips per person
Two persons; four hips gone out

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Day In Haiku: Peace and Prosperity

Today was the day
Millions focusing on peace
Abundance for all

Day In Haiku: Peace and Prosperity

Today was the day
Millions focusing on peace
Abundance for all

Quote For The Day

"The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails."
William Arthur Ward, college administrator, writer (1921-1994)

Monday, October 16, 2006

Quote For The Day

“Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, "I will try again tomorrow.”
Mary Anne Radmacher

Day In Haiku: Shake; No Bake

Earthquake in islands
Hawaii rattles and rolls

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Free Hugs Campaign: Juan Mann Interview, Australia

Free Hugs Campaign

In keeping with the quote for the day, serendipity struck this morning. My friend, Elaine, sent me this video. I enjoyed it so much, I went searching for what is unfolding in the world as a result of Juan Mann’s creativity in the world of human relations.
From time to time, I’ll add the videos from around the world to share with you.
Be the change.
And thanks Juan. Way to go!
In Light,

Quote For The Day

“Be the change you want to see in the world.”
 Mahatma Gandhi - 1869-1948

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Line Rider - WTF

Some days ya just have to say WTF and, like this little one, go have fun where ya find it!
Thanks Matt for your great sense of joy and humor. (See his other LineRider works as scudly on

The Gratitude Pool

I'm grateful there is gratitude in the world; being multiplied by all of us who become aware of and express our own.
In Light and Love,

Quote For The Day

"Words are chameleons, which reflect the color of their environment." Learned Hand, jurist (1872-1961)

Friday, October 13, 2006

Quote For The Day

"Out of suffering... emerge the strongest souls;
the most massive characters are seared with scars."
Kahlil Gibran

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Day In Haiku: The Doctor Visit

Western medicine
More twists and turns than colons
Egos outstrip care

Quote For The Day

“Remember, we all stumble, every one of us. That’s why it’s a comfort to go hand in hand.”
Emily Kimbrough, author and broadcaster (1899-1989)

Vendors Project: What It Takes To Make Your Own Break

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

October Morn

Dark morning; covers call
Waking early on a sunny day is easy.
The rest drudgery.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Day In Haiku

While world spins wildly
Make room for quiet inside

Quote For The Day

"Learning is weightless, a treasure you can always carry easily." -Chinese Proverb

Monday, October 09, 2006

Quote For The Day

"Be civil to all, sociable to many, familiar with few, friend to one, enemy to none."
Benjamin Franklin, statesman, author, and inventor (1706-1790)

Friday, October 06, 2006

Words Fail Me...

by Florence Ondré

Do you remember the saying, “Silence is golden; let’s make a million?”
Ever have one of those days where, no matter what the issue or moment; you can’t catch a break to save yourself?
Every little detail turns into a tangle; every proverbial molehill, a mountain. Even typing on your keyboard turns dyslexic or into a two-left-handed, fumble-fingers festival. (No disrespect, Lefties.)
Words have to get pulled out of your brain like Dumbledore’s wand pulling taffy-like threads of thought from your head; when memory banks send you the not too tightly coded message, “your account is overdrawn;” that’s when it might be time to stop.
Stop talking. Stop doing. Stop trying to figure it all out. Stop thinking altogether.
It’s not working anyway.
Well, this is one of those days for me and I’m noticing how much I want to accomplish while the Gods are throwing down concrete blocks in my path like it’s raining stop signs.
When omens are obvious that you're not going to get anywhere tripping over your own flip flops, who needs an eight ball to get the message, “Signs say doubtful?”
And still the energizer bunny in my hamster cage mind is going, going, going.
Got to get something written, have to get bug strips for the fruit fly invasion, should trim those hedges, want to organize the photo files, need to buy tin foil, must get toilet tissue, ought to purchase more stamps, want to return those phone calls. All of which are geared to set me up for the coulda, woulda, shoulda regretfest.
The list goes on long enough to occupy me entirely, like being laid out like a latke in an MRI session. Claustrophobia doesn’t stand a chance with me in that tunnel. Who has time to be scared? I’ve got my lists to contemplate. Going over them in my cranium and the next thing I hear after the tech has said, “Hold completely still, please,” is “OK, all done!” as they filch me out of the tube of magnetic resonance.
So much for my friend’s suggestion to ‘just let go and meditate; take advantage of the silence; just be.’
Now, here I am in this day, getting bombarded with every possible indicator that there will be no answers; no words out of my mouth or actions I may wish to take that will make a dent in the invisible duty roster or solve the challenges in my home, work or the world.
Balls are being dropped. Words won’t willingly come forth. Why grumble or grouse about it?
Might as well heed the call. Let go. Opt for some peace maybe.
This is not my wisdom face; sage, spiritual and serene.
I’m just too tired to argue.
It’s that kind of day. Silence sounds good.
And as I make this choice, rain begins to softly fall, hushing all.

Quote For The Day

"You can't do anything about the length of your life, but you can do something about its width and depth."
H.L. Mencken, writer, editor, and critic (1880-1956)

Day In Haiku

Bailley's Blog is up
Life from a dog's eye viewpoint
The Daily Dog speaks

The Gratitude Pool

I'm grateful for the energy to cook a good meal and fill the house with the aroma of baked goodies. Also grateful for a crisp fall nite; clear with a full moon rising over the trees and the Halleluliah Crickets' Chorus still singing loud and strong.
Who could ask for anything more?

Thursday, October 05, 2006

A Balance Of...

A friend sent this ambigram today.
When you look at the image, what do you see?

Can you see the word, evil, inside the word,good?

It got me thinking about things like- balance in the world- which helps me remember that when things look bad/evil, there might just be good in process of taking shape.
Here's where I like that scarysome word, change. ('Yeah, God, let's get this 'evil stuff' outta here fast!' as opposed to, 'holy smokes, what kind of evil change are you gonna dump on me today?')
Then I got to cogitating about that word, evil, (which has been thrown around since 9/11 like political/religious, superfluous chump change everytime someone does something someone else doesn't agree with or like)
If you turn the word, evil, around it spells live!
Look at stuff long enough. Live long enough. And watch how your feelings and actions change on any subject. (Especially if the spotlight gets klieg-lighted on you!)
Call me Anne-Frankish. Most days I believe that evil is a mirage trying to cover up so much good in the world; an attention starved trickster, pip-squeaking to grab our focus.

So, check out my quote for the day, below. Breathe some positive energy into yourself and breathe out anything else into light to become more light. There's balance in everything. What you wish to focus on is your choice.

Quote For The Day

"If you turn the word, evil, around you get the word, live. Live your life the best you can without worry about evil everywhere.
The moments of your life are live.
Like the arrangement of those four letters of the alphabet, it's about perception, perspective and focus.
The choice is yours as to how you see things and what you will do with your moments."
Florence Ondré- writer, poet, singer songwriter, photographer

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The Gratitude Pool

Today's gratitude for me was balance. Some of this; some of that.
A five is not a terrible thing to experience.

In Light & Love,

Day In Haiku

Hottest day this week
Brought sun and humidity
There goes the hairstyle

Quote For The Day

"Who is content with nothing possesses all things."
Nicolas Boileau-Despreaux, poet (1636-1711)

The Why Of Butterflies

by Florence Ondré

While everyone (me included) is talking about how the world is going to Hell in a handbasket and my blood is boiling over the shame of man's worst behavior, here are all these butterflies; georgeousness on the wing, flitting, flying to and fro in multitudes to remind me that there is still beauty in the world; nearer than I think.
This is a much better focus.
As these creatures of grace and shimmering flutter come calling, I find my anger disintegrating, like smoke into air, and my despair that goodness is succumbing to the tide of offal, shivering off my shoulders. I am warmed by sighs of relief and gratitude for their reminder of simple profound beauty.
As they hang upside down sipping nectar from flower bells; as they light upon leaves and pose ever so patiently in the grass until just the right ray of sunshine shows these artists models off to their best advantage, they urge me to keep my eye on that which heals my soul instead of rending it.
There is more beauty and more light in the world.
The rest is merely moving on through.

Sunbathing Beauty

photo by T. Freeman

Butterfly Duet

photo by T. Freeman

Upstairs and downstairs neighbors in the flower condo

Find The Four Butterflies

photo by T. Freeman

Yes. There really are 4 in amongst the flower bushes!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

The Gratitude Pool

I'm grateful today for working with other writers; hearing their work, reading my own and finding inspiration.
I'm grateful for finding a great little place with outdoor cafe; lunch that looked like paintings on everyone's plate.
So simple; so good!
In Light & Love

Day In Haiku

Hurry, got to write
Gathering of writers’ day
So much light in words

Monday, October 02, 2006

The Gratitude Pool

I'm grateful for meaningful work, creative work, balanced by thoughtfulness in a day set aside for contemplation.
I'm grateful for a friend's suggestion of breaking the fast of the day with a feast at our favorite restaurant, East. A banquet was just what we all needed and I'm grateful the owners were in residence tonight because they are so wonderful in including us in their family. The mom is the creative genius for each new dish and loves sharing with us. Tonight was an Asian's tongues. Yeah, I was a bit squeamish. I'm not that off the charts daring but was grateful I had the courage to try the duck of a different fixing!
In Light & Love,

Day In Haiku

Loving work all day
Then breaking the fast with friends

The Eye Of The Beholder

photo by florence

I was drawn to this piece of driftwood; washed far away from shore; up over the dunes; left in reeds and weeds; its eye looking wisely like a Narwhale peering at the world from a different perspective.
What do you see in this picture?

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Quote For The Day

“To see a world in a grain of sand, / And a heaven in a wild flower, / Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, / And eternity in an hour.”
-William Blake, poet, engraver, and painter (1757-1827)

Butterfly Beauty

photo by florence

Summer's End Centerpiece

photo by florence

Find The 2 Butterflies...

photo by florence