Thursday, October 12, 2006

Day In Haiku: The Doctor Visit

Western medicine
More twists and turns than colons
Egos outstrip care


The mind of Huy said...

Lightly brush her hair
Staring into her eyes
Whispering lightly

Does that work?

Florence said...

wow. that's beautiful.
next time put 7 syllables into the second line and you got it!
light to you

Anonymous said...

Step By Step By Step
God's Light Shining On My Feet
Greets The Day On High

Florence said...

a good one dara
it really is step by step
an inch at a time

Anonymous said...

Leave It To You Flo
To Answer Me In Haiku
Hows This One For You

Anonymous said...

A Day In The Life
Of A Massage Therapist
Is Muscles Galore

Anonymous said...

Alone on web sites–-
a techno-isolation
cured by prayer and love

Florence said...


haiku to you too
excellent, master of light
two haikus from you!


blogging. writing shared
connecting air ink to ink
no one is alone

thanks guys for the fun of expression.
in light & love,